Nashville’s Ca.mp3: Where Collaboration and Community Thrive
When the world went virtual during the pandemic, it felt like the natural way to collaborate had suddenly disappeared. For Nashville-based artist and producer, Jack Vinoy, the instant shift to remote sessions left a noticeable gap—a gap he knew needed filling. But what started as a solution to the isolation…
Room Adaption Unpacked [Part 2]
In Room Adaption Unpacked [Part 1] we described the principles and implementation of room adaption technologies and we finished Part 1 with a promise to describe some of the potential pitfalls of room compensation in Part 2. So here is that promise fulfilled. Compensation Limits The first pitfall is…
11 Tips For A Better Studio Experience
Running a commercial studio, or even just recording music at home for personal enjoyment, can be an expensive business. There’s always a new item of hardware to buy, an interesting DAW plug-in to investigate, or some audio software that needs updating, but along with the expense there’s a whole bunch…
Balanced vs Unbalanced Audio Connections
Consumer and professional audio systems have much in common. The fundamental technologies of professional studio monitors and hi-fi speakers are, for example, not really so different. But there is one respect in which professional audio systems in studios diverge fundamentally from most hi-fi systems in the home, and that’s the…