
ADAM Audio

The team at ADAM Audio regularly puts together new articles or conducts interviews with interesting people for this blog. Stay tuned for more!

  • How to transform a young life through music

    In the Saarland region of Germany, a nonprofit organization is helping the development and personal growth of young adults through musical and creative initiatives. Speaking to the team behind the project, we find out what programs are available, and what results that have been made through their years of work.

  • Understanding Frequency Response Charts

    Deciding on which studio monitor is likely to suit your needs and work well in your recording space is always best done by listening to a few different models. But pretty much every studio monitor is also accompanied by a technical spec and, if you know how to interpret them,…

  • Interview with Bas Oskam [Noisecontrollers]

    Bas Oskam, better known as one half of Noisecontrollers, is a Dutch Hardstyle producer and DJ based in the Netherlands. For more than a decade Noisecontrollers shaped and innovated the sound of Hardstyle, a genre that is full of energy and deep, punchy bass kicks. Hi Bas, it’s a pleasure…

  • Interview with artist and producer Nish

    Hi Nish, it’s an honor to have you on the blog! Thanks for taking the time to be here. The last couple of years have been crazy for you. After the success of your debut album, you’ve been busy producing one banger after another. Does your success feel…