• The Importance of Listening Levels

    How loud do you listen when you compose, record, mix or master your music? And do you always work at the same volume or just turn up your monitors until you hit a comfortable level? Quite probably, like a great many people working in all sorts of music production environments,…

  • It’s all about the bass! [Recording Tips]

    It’s an honor to have professional bass player Serban-Ionut Georgescu on the ADAM Audio Blog, sharing some advice on bass guitar recording processes. Here we go! Ahh, the bass. Whether working on a slapping funk revival song, a death metal anthem or even a bubblegum pop…

  • Do I need a subwoofer for my home studio?

    If you’re asking yourself whether you need a subwoofer for your studio, you’ve come to the right place. In this educational article, we’re going to shed some light on what to consider when thinking of adding a subwoofer to your home studio, how to calibrate it with your existing system…

  • Guitar tips from one of Latvia’s greatest: Robert Dinters

    Boasting a set of ADAM Audio A5X nearfield monitors in his studio, multi-instrumentalist and composer Roberts Dinters has been collaborating with a wide-plethora of artists from his home nation of Latvia for the past two-decades. Known primarily for his work within the rock scene, Dinters’ career has…

  • The key to good 3D Audio: Storytelling

    Granted, there is nothing more hyped in the world of sound-engineering at the moment that of “immersive audio”, a term often synonymous with 3D Audio. It’s something which can be misleading, often ignoring the fact that mono-playback, through having its own engaging story, can also be immersive, and that experiencing…

  • Understanding the Importance of Sound Design in Film

    It’s hard to believe, but 50 % of what makes your film is often the number one most overlooked process in post-production film making. Naturally, visuals are always the number one most important thing, but following behind in close second is sound design. For all the cinematic beauty of…

  • Do I Need Acoustic Treatment For My Home Studio Setup?

    We get asked this question a lot. Acoustics, and the physics behind it, can be a daunting subject. In this article, we are going to simplify home studio acoustics, break it down into simple, useful strategies, and give you the knowledge to create the best possible acoustic environment for your…

  • Understanding Speaker Distortion

    In the last blog post on the subject of monitor specifications we looked at Frequency Response – what the term really means, and how to interpret frequency response specifications. For this post we’re going to dig a little deeper into monitor specifications and look at distortion. Distortion in a…

  • Understanding Frequency Response Charts

    Deciding on which studio monitor is likely to suit your needs and work well in your recording space is always best done by listening to a few different models. But pretty much every studio monitor is also accompanied by a technical spec and, if you know how to interpret them,…

  • A Musician’s Guide to Lyric Writing

    Does writing music and melodies comes naturally to you, but lyrics tend to be a sticking point? Lyrics may feel understandably tricky for musicians who have spent the majority of the lives or careers working on their instrument, performance, or music-writing craft. This guide will show you the best strategies…