Ákos Kovács
ADAM Nutzer:innenBerlin, 27. März, 2012
Der ungarische Pop/Rock Singer/Songwriter Ákos Kovács ist Multi-Platin-Künstler und Produzent von Songs, die regelmäßig den Weg an die Spitze der ungarischen Charts finden. Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, einen Blick in sein Aufnahmestudio werfen zu dürfen, der seine Vorliebe für ADAM Audio-Monitoring enthüllte. Lesen Sie hier, was er uns zu seiner Neuanschaffung von zwei S4X-H Monitoren berichtete.
“As a singer/songwriter and the owner of a state-of-the-art project studio I’ve been looking for the perfect mid-field solution for ages now. I’m absolutely delighted with the performance of my freshly bought Adam S4X horizontal monitors. The volume is incredible, especially for the size, the sound is crystal clear and the sonic spectrum is full – even at low levels. I haven’t switched these babies off since they arrived in the studio. The only downside is that I’m learning new things about our previous mixes, stuff I’ve never heard before. I wish I had them earlier!”
Ákos Kovács, multi-platinum recording artist/producer (Ungarn), www.akos.hu