A77X-Test im amerikanischen Recording Magazine


Berlin, 21. November 2013

In der Oktober-Ausgabe des amerikanischen Recording-Magazins testete Autor Lorenz Rychner ausgiebig unseren horizontal ausgelegten Nah-/Mittelfeldmonitor – den A77X. Lesen Sie hier einige Auszüge aus dem englischen Originaltext.

„First impression – these guys are loud. Immediate second impression – the bass is intense.“

„Once I had the acceptable level of around 85 dB from both cabinets, I marveled at the bass extension. As it happened, the first track began with an acoustic bass play- ing an ostinato on a low F. Yes, it was that low! A quick A/B/C with two other monitors made it sound like adding and subtracting the lowest pipes on an organ – not all monitors have the A77X’s low-end reach! No hype, no conflict among the parallel woofers, and definitely no need for an added „real“ subwoofer here!“

„Is this too much monitor for a personal studio, especially with the two woofers parallelling each other to about 400 Hz? That was my first thought, and it didn’t take long for that notion to go away. The A77X doesn’t have to play loud to satisfy, but it can get very loud and still be pure and accurate.“

Lorenz Rychner, Recording Magazine, Ausgabe Oktober 2013

Den kompletten Test (auf Englisch) finden Sie unter den Testberichten der A77X.