A7X Test des Cape Audio College in Suedafrika


Berlin, 5. Juli 2011

Das Cape Audio College ist das älteste und etablierteste Lehrinstitut Südafrikas im Audiobereich. Verantwortlich dafür zeichnen vor allem neuste Lehrmethoden sowie die mit der besten derzeit erhältlichen Technik ausgestatteten Studios und Produktionsräume. Sie helfen den Studenten, ein außergewöhnlich hohes Ausbildungsniveau zu erreichen. Absolventen von Cape Audio College sind entsprechend sowohl national wie international sehr erfolgreich.

Kürzlich hat Richard Harriman für den hochinformativen Blog der Website des Colleges ADAMs A7X getestet. Hier zwei Auszüge aus dem Test:

„The first time I fired up the A7X’s I was immediately impressed with the mid range detail. The highs are very smooth, thanks to the X-ART ribbon tweeter that extends all the way to 50K. I was also very impressed with the low end detail after A-B ing the A7X’s with our existing JBL LSR 4328P’s (a much larger and more expensive monitor). The low end is rich and warm with loads of punch. The overall sound was very clear and more 3 dimensional than anything I’ve ever heard before. Instruments seemed more separated and a more enhanced sense of the front-to-back perspective seemed evident. I cant begin to explain how much the mid range has impressed me. After switching to the JBL’s it really did feel like a giant “smile curve” had been applied. Details in the guitar’s and snare really popped out as soon as I switched back the the ADAM’s.

„If you are looking for a set of accurate near-fields that give great response and detail and wont break the bank then look no further. The ADAM A7X is a fantastic monitor and for the price can’t be beaten (well as far as I can tell anyway). (…) They will fit in very well in any home studio, project studio or even professional studio environment very comfortably. They will provide you with accurate mixes that translate well over a variety of systems. In fact I’m so impressed that I will be putting an order in for a personal pair very soon.“

Der gesamte Test ist, in englischer Sprache, auf Cape Audio Audio’s Blog zu finden.
Für weitere Informationen zum Cape Audio College besuchen Sie bitte deren Website.
Für mehr Informationen zu ADAM Audio in Südafrika: SEGMA South Africa.