Die brandneuen F5 und F7 Monitore getestet vom US-Recording-Magazin


Berlin, 18. Dezember 2012

In der Januar-Ausgabe des amerikanischen Recording-Magazins ist der erste Test der lang erwarteten Monitore F5 und F7 zu finden. Lesen Sie im Folgenden einen Auszug aus dem Fazit des englischen Originaltextes.

„[…] As should be expected, the smaller F5s give a narrower sound field, and as soon as I switched from the F7s to the F5s the stage not only narrowed but the overall impression of the music was more forward, tighter, in my face. That’s what speaker size will do. At times I preferred this forward character from the F5s, as it can help to highlight certain details. But then again, the broader sound field from the F7s makes for better overall balance.
Given these differences, I recommend listening carefully to both models and deciding which best fits your studio and gives the sound that works best for your music production style. Regardless of which you choose, both models can do good service in your studio – and with a friendly price tag we’re not used to seeing on speakers bearing the ADAM name.“

Lorenz Rychner, Recording Magazine, Ausgabe Januar 2013

Den kompletten Test (auf Englisch) finden Sie unter den Testberichten der F5 und F7-Monitore.