What HiFi? - TENSOR Gamma


Berlin, 1. März 2010

Die renommierte britische Fachzeitschrift What HiFi? Sound & Vision testete mit der TENSOR Gamma ihren ersten Lautsprecher von ADAM Audio. Dabei wurde der kleinste Standlautsprecher der TENSORfamilie wie folgt beschrieben:

„They produce as clean and detailed a sound as we‘ve heard, and they combine that with wide-ranging dynamics and a bass that digs deep without dragging. […] The Gammas are one of the most impressive speakers we’ve heard in the last decade. […] They combine insight with power, dynamics with rhythmic drive and deep, deep bass with ease of positioning.
That spread of talents is unheard of, even at this kind of money. If ADAM‘s other products are this good, other high-end speaker companies should worry. Result: Five Stars!“

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