Soundtrack Competition [2024]
Welcome to the 25th-anniversary edition of the ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition!

Do you feel the chill? It’s a bit icy today, isn’t it? Perhaps this has something to do with the theme we have chosen for our 25th Anniversary Soundtrack Competition!
It most definitely has something to do with the cool prizes we have picked for the future lucky winners of the competition: the limited edition ADAM Audio A7V (1st prize) and A4V (2nd prize) in high-gloss arctic white.
What do you have to do to enter the Soundtrack Competition?
- Compose a short soundtrack (max. 30 seconds) for the picture above. You can download the full-resolution image here to use it as a thumbnail.
- Upload your finished soundtrack to your own Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Soundcloud, or YouTube account (if you don’t have one, do not worry, it is free and easy to set up!).
- Please remember the title of your song must include the hashtag #soundtrackcompetition2024
- Complete the small form below to finally enter the competition. Important: Your entry is only officially valid by completing and sending this form!
For more information, please refer to the Additional Information section below.
The Prizes
- 1st Prize: 2 x Limited ADAM Audio A7Vs in arctic white
- 2nd Prize: 2 x Limited ADAM Audio A4Vs in arctic white
- 3rd Prize: ADAM Audio 25th Anniversary Merch Pack
What else do you need to know?
- You can use any audio you want, e.g. sample libraries, as long as no copyrights are violated.
- The soundtrack will be judged by its creativity, musicality, and how well it tells a story that can be found in the picture.
- Each soundtrack may only be a maximum of 30 seconds long and each participant may only enter the competition once.
- The participant must use the image as a thumbnail for their upload. You may add your artist name as long as the image is still clearly recognizable and is not altered too much.
- Please read the conditions of participation and the declaration regarding the protection of your data here.
The Competition Period
The first round of the competition starts on May 9th, 2024, and ends on May 23rd, 2024 (11:00 pm CET). The ADAM Audio team will select their 10 favorite soundtracks from all entries.
These 10 tracks will then be put to a public vote, starting May 30th until June 4th. Participants will be notified by email. The winners of the vote will be announced on June 5th on the competition landing page.
Round #1: The Participation Form
The 1st round of the competition is over and the form is now closed for new entries.
Round #2: The Top 10
Time for Round #2 of the Soundtrack Competition 2024! Here are our Top 10 soundtracks (in no particular order), selected by the team at ADAM Audio:
- “Future Is Upon Us” by Jomo Kru
- “Frozen In Time” by Lela
- “Heartbeat” by Eric Wildeman
- Untitled by C7NEMA100
- “Loading Temparature…” by Léo Billon
- “Alpha Centauri” by Benjamin Goldman
- “Breathe” by peterkrcula
- Untitled by 5ilas Productions
- “Last Contact” by Alejandro Maciá
- Untitled by Abel Benjamin
Now it is your turn to choose the final three winning compositions. Please vote for your favorite track via the form below until June 4th 2024. Among all voters, we are going to raffle a pair of ADAM Audio T5V studio monitors. Like in real elections, every person is permitted only one vote 🙂
The voting is now closed.
The Winners
We are happy to announce the three winners of ADAM Audio 25th Anniversary Soundtrack Competition! Here they are:
- “Frozen In Time” by Lela
- “Last Contact” by Alejandro Maciá
- “Alpha Centauri” by Benjamin Goldman
Congratulations and well done! A big thank you goes out again to all participants whose compositions make this competition a special highlight for the team at ADAM Audio and we hope you enjoyed the challenge, as well. Also, a shoutout to everbody who put in their vote to choose the winning three soundtracks. All winners, including the person who wins the raffled pair of T5V studio monitors, will be notified via email.
The Judge: The ADAM Audio Team and You!
The ADAM Audio team will select their 10 favorite soundtracks from all entries. These 10 tracks will then be put to a public vote on the competition landing page.
Additional Information
- The Competition Period
The first round of the competition starts on May 9th, 2024, and ends on May 23rd, 2024 (11:00 pm CET). The ADAM Audio team will select their 10 favorite soundtracks from all entries.
These 10 tracks will then be put to a public vote, starting May 30th until June 4th. Participants will be notified by email. The winners of the vote will be announced on June 5th on the competition landing page.
- Terms & Conditions