MyADAM User Area
This is the place to register your ADAM Audio products for their extended warranty.* Here you can also download complementary software and access relevant product information like user manuals, plus get exclusive, news, content and other goodies! The MyADAM user area is available to all owners of ADAM Audio studio monitors, subwoofers and headphones.
* Where applicable
Welcome to the MyADAM User Area!
With the MyADAM user area we offer an ever-evolving platform for customers of ADAM Audio products. Here you can find relevant information and insights, as well as a gateway to our dedicated customer service department plus other ways to engage with us.
If you have any questions or technical problems, please have a look through our FAQs or contact us directly via the Support Form. Also, any feedback is always much appreciated. Thank you!

The benefits of a MyADAM account
We are constantly working on providing you the best possible service and aim to offer extra benefits through the MyADAM user area over time. Additional features will be available soon! Currently you will find:
- Easy Access To Information
The MyADAM user area allows you to conveniently locate relevant product information (e.g. user manuals, product sheets, technical data) specifically for your registered products!
- Complimentary Plugins, News And Promotions
Always be the first to know what is happening in the world of music production and ADAM Audio through our regular newsletter!
By registering with MyADAM you can also benefit from exclusive offers of free plugins from trusted software partners, such as Plugin Collective, Baby Audio, Klevgrand, G-Force and many more.
- Extended Warranty
If you have purchased a D3V, T Series, A Series, S Series, AX Series, or SX Series, or Subwoofer product from an authorized ADAM Audio dealer after 01.01.2017, you are eligible for our renowned 5-year extended warranty. With this activation, your ADAM Audio products will be covered by an additional three years peace of mind. You can even store your invoice for future reference directly in your MyADAM account!
Please note that the H200 studio headphones, and any ADAM Audio mounting hardware are not eligible for the Extended Warranty.
- Bundled ADAM Audio Software and Product-specific Plugins
For certain products, you will find accompanying free software in the product overview of your MyADAM account. These specialized software products offer enhanced functionality and are specifically developed for their respective models. Consequently, they are available only to users of ADAM Audio hardware who register via the MyADAM area.
A Series
For the A Series, the A Control remote software offers a seamless integration with SoundID Reference from Sonarworks and many more options to get the most of your studio monitors.
S Series
For our flagship range, the S Series, the S Control remote software allows for in-depth adjustments to adapt these high-end studio monitors to any environment.
The H200 headphone comes with the ADAM Audio Headphone Utility plugin. This plugin provides several options to further optimize the sound of the H200 headphones and the Externalization feature is a great way to easily switch between monitoring on speakers and headphones.