Aaron Bastinellidiscusses why he chose ADAM Audio S3H’s

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Producer Aaron Bastinelli in his studio with ADAM Audio S3H studio monitors

Aaron Bastinelli

Based out of Brooklyn, freelance engineer and producer, Aaron Bastinelli, has a rich and diverse history of music production with Converse Rubber Tracks, recording local bands around the world and constantly transitioning between different genres at all stages of production. A community-based recording studio owned and operated by Converse shoes, Rubber Tracks began in Brooklyn before quickly spreading globally to allow different bands to apply online for one full day of free tracking, mixing, and mastering in state-of-the-art studios localized to fit each band. Constantly appreciating the excitement and enthusiasm of each day with these independent bands, Bastinelli explains that his perception of engineering grew to uphold such levels of passion as a standard for every freelance session he completed. Sitting down with ADAM Audio, Bastinelli discusses how important a pair of monitors are in accurately representing the tone of a room and why he chose the incredibly responsive S3H’s to provide accurate localization of sound and extraordinary low-end extension.

„Most recently, I’ve been using the S3Hs. For me, a pair of speakers needs to have a couple different things. One is it needs to give you all the information that you want […] The other thing is that it has to be fast. I don’t like speakers that are sluggish, mostly because I just feel like I can’t hear compression properly. And with the S3Hs, I just couldn’t believe how fast they were for their size. These things, you can literally hear everything you’re working on.“


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