The Beatz HubChampioning The UK’s Bass Community

ADAM Users

Based in northern England, the Beatz Hub studio has become an integral platform for artists looking to take the next step in their career. Tailored for those making grime, Afrobeats, UK rap, and dancehall, Beatz Hub is more than just a recording space, as it also serves as a management agency, beats production outlet, mastering studio, and much more.

Originally starting out just making beats together, producers TeeDee and TomMakesBeats began recording local rappers on the side to make some extra income. Tapping into the local scene the producers started to champion local artists using their production and management expertise. Along the way they’ve helped artists such as Hudz, J Esko, and Keds find success.

With work quickly picking up, the British producers soon setup their own studio. “We have one main control room where we can plug our laptops into and instantly be connected to the audio interface, outboard equipment, studio monitors and all the other peripherals seamlessly,” the duo state about the space. “We always dreamt of building a giant booth with a huge window, so that’s what we did that. We also have a waiting room and a kitchen so if any sessions over run the customers can chill in there, play a bit of Xbox, and what not.”


The studio space is equipped with ADAM Audio A7X monitoring, something which their clients are frequently commenting upon. “It’s funny because every single person that steps into the studio always mentions our speakers in one way or another,” the duo says about their work. “They’re just used to being in other studios where the monitoring is nowhere near as good as what we have. It just goes to show how noticeable the difference is.”

“I want to hear how it’s supposed to be heard.”

For TeeDee and TomMakesBeats, studio monitoring needs to be versatile smooth, and actually play the full sound of what you’re making. “I want to be able to enjoy and appreciate a solid, well mixed body of work,” they say when asked about their audio needs. “I want to hear how it’s supposed to be heard.” More than anything however, is the confidence they’ve won over with their artists and clients. “I know for a fact once I have it perfect and the artist is happy, it’s going to be perfect anywhere else. And this gives them confidence in me and Tom, that when we say their track is done, it’s more than likely done.”