Paulie B

ADAM Users

Paulie Bromley, otherwise known as Paulie B, is an ARIA award winning musician and producer who has worked with a number of Australia’s top artists.

“I like to be surrounded by the sound – like being on stage – and that helps me to make choices about where things should be,” Bromley states about his career success to date.

As a professional bass player and renowned sound engineer, Paulie B has over 200 production credits to his name. Based in his newly minted Yama Nui studio nestled along the Sunshine Coast, Paulie has recorded with multi-platinum artists The Beautiful Girls and George, as well as producing records for Dubmarine and dub aficionados Kingfisha.

An avid collector of vintage ribbon microphones, Paulie was already on the lookout for an alternative to his existing NS10 monitors. Enter the ADAM Audio A7X. “It was curiosity that first brought me to them. I love the sound of high frequencies that are recorded with my ribbon microphones and how calm and clean the highs are so I thought, ‘I want to hear monitors that are projecting that kind of high frequency back at me.’”


After recording was finished, Paulie was notably impressed listening back via ADAM Audio’s famous tweeter technology. “I actually heard the record that I’d made and I thought that it sounded fantastic, so I knew that I had an affinity with the way they were presenting music,” he enthuses. “This is how I want this album to sound. The amount of low end extension, even in the A7Xs – I could hear it.”

Working with local roots artists means that there is a clear emphasis on lower, much more bass-heavy sounds, something he has plenty of experience with himself. “As a bass player I do like to feel a little bit immersed in the bottom end. I can also hear so much more high frequency content on my A7Xs, and it isn’t harsh and doesn’t fatigue my ears. I can listen for long periods of time and it really helps figure out what’s going on up top.”