ReOrderBehind the Smoke & Mirrors

ADAM Users
ADAM Audio S2V nearfield monitors in the studio at ReOrder

Trance producer ReOrder lifts the curtain, and shines a light on his production style, working with ADAM Audio S2V monitors.

Hitting the big time with a constant stream of euphoric club hits, Tibor Tomecko has been setting the world of trance music alight since bursting onto the scene back in 2006. The Slovakian is famed in the production world, recognised for his sonically clear, quality music, the result of working with ADAM Audio S2V monitors.

Producing and DJing under his alias ReOrder, Tibor established himself in the trance scene thanks to a string of top hits on Armada Music and Blackhole Recordings. The Slovakian producer is also known for his collaborative projects Crowd+Ctrl, and Skypatrol, all of which he worked on from his modest home studio.

“People often ask me how I make such crispy clean sounding tracks and albums out with this setup,” states Tibor about his studio. “I can only say that when you have a good set of monitors and two ears, you can achieve anything.”

After starting out using his dad’s home speakers, Tibor graduated to ADAM Audio monitors back in 2006 after purchasing a set of A7s. “It was as if I was deaf before, and then I could suddenly hear again,” Tomecko says about working with the monitors.

ADAM Audio S2V nearfield monitors in the studio at ReOrder

Eventually upgrading to ADAM Audio’s S2V series, Tibor came to the realisation that the speakers’ range were perfect for his intimate studio setting. “Living in an apartment with neighbours is challenging when it comes to bass, so the better the low-end range, the better for me,” the producer explains. “This is why I love my S2Vs, as they are just the right fit for my home. I also can’t work without the ADAM Audio tweeters. They are just so precise, and you can hear everything so purely. Having a proper levelled range is very important to me.”

One of the primary benefits of working from home for Tibor is the convenience. “Let’s say I have an idea late at night, I can sit behind my mac right away and write.” he says about being work-from-home producer. “Sometimes even hours go by and I can end up having a finished track!”

Recording as Crowd+CTRL alongside Australian producer Jordan Tobias, Tibor just released his new record Smoke & Mirrors, on Armada Music. There’s nothing misleading or mysterious about the record, thanks to its clinical production and masterful sound. “My style is unique in a way, and I always strive towards something new, creating something that wasn’t here before.” With support from Ferry Corsten, Super8 & Tab, Ruben De Ronde, amongst others, it goes to show that Tibor’s approach is taking him places.