Studio Sledgekeeps smiling with ADAM Audio

ADAM Users
Studio Sledge works with ADAM Audio A77X monitors

Studio Sledge, located in Paris, France is specialized in mixing audio for cinema and TV

The studio facility comprises three mixing rooms: one for cinema, one for television, and one for music plus three edit suites. All rooms are equipped with ADAM Monitors. Bruno Mercere, engineer/producer and owner of Studio Sledge made us proud by telling the interviewer: “I use them on all my projects: music, cinema TV – I’m always happy with them because what I hear on my ADAM monitors is the truth”.

Best monitoring for cinema – day and night

“I just mixed for three weeks solid on ADAM for a small budget movie – and they were completely transparent. That’s very important, that’s the main thing,” he says. “You can use them for every application, and you hear what you’ve done.”

Several users have told PSNEurope how easy ADAM boxes are to listen to for prolonged periods: Does Mercere find this?

“Yes, because of the ribbon tweeter. It’s a smooth sound and you can work 12 hours without any problems. With JBL for movies: no. With ADAM, I can work with one project during the day, and another at night… sometimes I have to do that!”

Pro Sound News Europe, April 29, 2013