University of SurreyInspiring a New Generation of Tonmeisters

ADAM Users

One of Europe’s best schools for music and audio production, the University of Surrey’s Department of Music & Media [DMM], recently upgraded the monitoring systems in several of its top-flight studios, adding 12 pairs of ADAM Audio speakers including ADAM Audio’s flagship S3H midfields.

The University of Surrey is one of the most successful higher education establishments in the UK, regularly topping league tables published by the Guardian. The DMM at Surrey includes an MMus (Master degree)  in Music and BMus (Bachelor degree) programmes in Music, Creative Music Technology, Digital Media Arts, Film and Video Production Technology and the world-famous Tonmeister programme. Students are expected to show detailed, in-depth knowledge not only of all aspects of audio engineering and production but also music theory and practice. Many former DMM students have gone on to successful careers in media industries; alumni include winners of Grammy and Oscar awards.

While the University of Surrey DMM students have to meet very high expectations, they’re also provided with the best audio equipment available on the market today spread across three fully fledged recording and mixing studios. Totaling 250 m² floor space, Studio 1 allows for recording of anything from a solo singer to a full-scale orchestra. Studio 2 is dedicated to recording pop music and features an SSL 9000K console. Studio 3 is a next-generation mixing studio that focuses purely on training students’ mixing skills. DMM also provides a purpose-built listening studio, designed to ITU-R standard (International Telecommunication Union for critical listening tasks and experimental research into audio measurement subjective listening tests. Three editing suites provide audio post-production facilities and are designed and built to the highest acoustic standards.


The multiple studios and project rooms at Surrey’s DMM include a wide range of excellent audio equipment, from a priceless vintage microphone collection to the latest digital technologies. DMM recently embarked on an upgrade programme of its studio monitoring facilities, selecting ADAM Audio’s S3V monitors as well as ten pairs of the A7X nearfield speakers and a number of SP-5 monitoring headphones. “ADAM Audio monitors bring a richness and detail to any style of music we are working on, they retain the accuracy and definition demanded during critical production, but somehow manage to always sound wonderful and inspiring, reminding us why we make music in the first place”, comments Dr Milton Mermikides, Reader in Music at DMM.

“Surrey DMM are delighted to share a passion for excellence and diversity in music with ADAM Audio,” the university stated in a press release announcing the purchase of its ADAM Audio systems. “The ADAM Audio monitors will be welcomed into our most demanding of studios, and will become a fundamental component of the musical experience of today’s students and tomorrow’s game-changers.”