A Control 1.0 out nowand available to A Series customers


ADAM Audio is pleased to announce A Control 1.0, a significant update to the free-to-download software for the real-time remote control of A Series speakers.

The A Series delivers highly accurate, transparent sound across a full line of monitors. The line also boasts a wealth of voicing and room adaptation options that can be controlled remotely and in real-time via A Control. The software also facilitates the collaboration with Sonarworks that allows filters created in SoundID Reference to run directly on a platform on the loudspeakers.

Designed internally by ADAM Audio, A Control provides A Series customers with a modern speaker and firmware management and equalization system. As well as facilitating the transfer of SoundID Reference calibration profiles to the loudspeakers, users can also create their own calibration profiles across 6 bands of parametric EQs or make changes to the Voicing and Room Adaptation settings found on the backplate. All changes made in A Control can be heard in real-time from the listening position, allowing users to be confident in their equalizations and toggle between uncalibrated and calibrated audio.


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