First A8X review worldwide!


Berlin, September 20, 2010

After reviewing ADAM´s most famous speaker, the S3X-H, now gives its full attention to ADAM´s A8X, the biggest monitor of the AX Series what simultaneously opens the door to Mid-field Monitoring. Recently, the first review worldwide has been published- with a persuasive result:

“Let´s be clear: if you are interested in the A8X you´ll need space! In fact, this monitor ist very similar to the SX models in terms of integration into a home studio or project studio. This is quickly confirmed when you power on the A8X: the green LED lights on (…) and the speakers start roaring. The maximum output power of these speakers is only 4 dB below the maximum sound pressure level of the S3X-H (for example), which is already much higher than the output power of the previous S3A!! Having said that, the A8X is clearly a mid-field rather than a near-field monitor. The second surprise is the low-frequency response. The A8X is extremely generous with the lows and it is a delight to have such a powerful and deep low-end considering the dimensions of the cabinet. (…) The low-end is both wide and accurate… The same applies to the high-frequency range: the new X-ART ribbon tweeter is a real tuning point in the performance of the speakers, both in terms of output power and precision.

Upgrading the already very successful A Series was no easy task for the German manufacturer. But once again, we have to acknowledge that ADAM Audio successfully took up the challenge with this A8X monitor – the flagship of the new AX Series.”

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