ADAM F5 reviewed by Mixdown magazine Australia


Berlin, May 21, 2013

Australia’s Mixdown magazine took a closer look at our freshly released F5 monitors back in February. Here’s what they said about them:

“The release of the F Series, espe­cially the F5 mon­i­tor speak­ers, means that just about any home stu­dio can now ben­e­fit from the power and def­i­n­i­tion of ADAM stu­dio mon­i­tors. The front port­ing allows the bass reflex to nat­u­rally expel from the cab­i­net with­out any unwanted chuff­ing and allows these mon­i­tors to be used in smaller envi­ron­ments. You don’t need to worry about hav­ing these mon­i­tors placed too close to a wall because of this, so there is really no rea­son why you shouldn’t look into fit­ting a pair of the ADAM F5 stu­dio mon­i­tors into your home stu­dio.”

Rob Gee,, February 8, 2013

You can find the full review here.