ARTist 5 reviewed by
ReviewsBerlin, December 17, 2013
The czech Hifi magazine Hi-Fi Voice recently reviewed the multimedia speaker ARTist 5. Please read a translated passage of that review below.
“The small active monitor ADAM Audio ARTist 5 confirms the german manufacturer’s reputation. In this price range luxurious features are hard to find and truly luxurious these small loudspeakers play. They are a well balanced blend of studio monitor and musicality, as appreciated by home listeners. The most amazing thing about them is the fact that they provide high comfort for everyday listening – the diverse connectivity features makes integration in your system easy and there is the possibility of adapting the speaker to the acoustics of the room […]. It is a fact that the ARTist 5 is rather an artist than a studio technician, but that does not matter. Important is the fact that it is a pleasure to listen to these speakers …”
Daniel Březina,, 03.12.2013
You can find the full czech article at or in the review section of the ARTist5.