Ask Audioreviewed our first headphone Studio Pro SP-5
ReviewsFor Ask Audio the SP-5 is a winner
Rounik Sethi, writing for Ask Audio, took a closer look at our first headphone, the Studio Pro SP-5, and draws the following conclusion:
- “Their monitors are excellent nearfield monitors that give a clear and detailed overall sound. Likewise the sound from the SP-5 proves to be a winner.”
- “When mixing on the Adam SP-5 they proved impressive. There’s lots to like about these thanks to the balanced and detailed low end and mid range and the natural and airy highs.”
- “If you want headphones that give an accurate representation of your sound and can be a viable set of cans to mix on, which are super-light and very comfortable, the Adam Audio SP-5 should be on your radar.”
“I’ve hardly taken this pair off my head – and if you’re in the market for a new pair of pro headphones I’d highly recommend checking out the SP-5.”
The complete review can be read here.