Reviews… and now for something completely different: The british Hi-Fi magazine HIFICRITIC reviewed the F7 in its recent issue. And that’s mainly because of “the sheer amount of technology that’s available in this device for so little money”, says author Chris Bryant. Please read a few passages of his verdict below.
“However, I normally use substantially more expensive gear that’s carefully tuned to my taste, and when price and convenience are taken into consideration, the F7s are actually remarkably talented.”
“The fact that I spent time comparing the F7s to much more expensive gear speaks volumes for the performance of these excellent little monitors.”
“Given their balance of sonic virtues, and taking ease of use into account, I must conclude that the ADAM F7 deserves a very enthusiastic recommendation.”
Chris Bryant, HIFICRITIC, Vol. 8 / No 2, Apr/May/June 2014
You can find the full review in the review section of the F7.