ADAM at Winter NAMM Show 2012

ADAM Audio Industry News

Berlin, January 26, 2012

This year’s Winter NAMM Show took place from January 19th till 22nd in Anaheim/California.

ADAM presented three different speaker systems. First, there was a stereo set up of the S3X-H that was, by many listener’s judgement, the best sound of the show. Then there was a 5.1 set up consisting of an S3X-H (center), two S4X-V’s (front), two S3X-V’s (rear) and one Sub12.

Most of the visitor’s interest, however, drew the AX family, especially the NAMM show premiere of the A77X. It was one of the few occasions allowing for a direct comparison of all AX models and many people took the opportunity, resulting in many people smiling…

And the ADAM team was smiling too, especially when the A7X received the SOS award for the second time!