“Sinner” by ANNI Remix Competition

We have the special honor to be hosting a remix competition together with ANNI for her new original song “Sinner”.

A few weeks ago, the amazing ANNI released her new song “Sinner” and the ADAM Audio team, being long-time fans of hers, sat together with her asking ourselves what could be a fun way to collaborate but include the wider community. Sometimes the obvious answer is the best answer: let’s do a remix competition!

ANNI provided us with the original stems of her track for you to play with and come up with great remixes. There are no restrictions regarding the genre or style – the sky is the limit!

Out of all contestants, five remixes will be chosen for the final round of this competition and be brought to a public vote. The winner of the public vote will be rewarded with a pair of ADAM Audio A7V studio monitors from the all new A Series. The 2nd winner will get a pair of A4V studio monitors and the 3rd winner will be the recipient of a fine ADAM Audio Merch package, containing sustainably sourced goodies such as a hoodie, socks, and a cotton bag. Good luck and happy remixing!


How to enter the Remix Competition:

  • Download the original stems of the song “Sinner”, by courtesy of ANNI
  • Create your own remix of the song “Sinner”.
  • You can add and use any audio you want, e.g. from sample libraries, as long as no copyrights are violated.
  • Upload your finished soundtrack to your Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube account.
  • Complete the form below to finally enter the competition. Important: Your entry is only officially valid by completing and sending this form.
  • Please read the conditions of participation and the declaration regarding the protection of your data here.

What else do you need to know?

  • Your remix will be mainly judged by its creativity, musicality and how well it amplifies the message of “Sinner”. Under “Additional Information”, you can find a video where ANNI explains her inspiration for the lyrics.
  • Your submitted track should be recognizable as a remix of “Sinner”
  • Each remix may only be a maximum of 5 minutes long. Apart from that, there are no further requirements regarding the length of your submission
  • Each participant may only enter the competition once
  • The URL to your remix on any chosen platform needs to be public
  • We would appreciate it very much, if you subscribe to ANNI‘s and the ADAM Audio YouTube channels 🙂

For more information, please refer to the Additional Information section below.

The vote is over and you have decided! Here are the winners of the “Sinner” remix competition:

  • With 33 % of all the votes, the 1st place goes to the remix by Cumulus – congratulations! A pair of ADAM Audio A7V studio monitors is yours and will be shipped to you asap.
  • In 2nd place, with a total of 24 % of the votes, we have the fantastic remix by Double F Beats! Your efforts will be rewarded with a pair of A4V studio monitors.
  • The 3rd place and a cool merch package goes to *drum roll* the remix by The Døør (17 %) – well done!
  • A very respectable 4th place goes to RØØKIE’s remix (15 %) and also please give a round of applause to SAM DIAZ and his amazing remix (11 %).

A big thanks to everyone who participated in the competition or the voting. You’ve made this a very exciting experience for ANNI and the team at ADAM Audio. The winner of the ADAM Audio SP-5 Headphones, which have been raffled among all voters, has been informed via e-mail already.

Additional Information

  • The Competition Period

    The first round of the competition starts on  23 August 2022 and ends on 12 September 2022. Among all entries, the team at ADAM Audio will pick their favorite 5 remixes.

    These 5 tracks will then be brought to a public vote for the duration of one week, starting on 15 September 2022. The winners will be announced on 23 September 2022 on this landing page and on ANNI’s YouTube channel.

  • Audio Stems for "Sinner"
  • About "Sinner"

    In this video, ANNI explains her motivation and the meaning of the lyrics of “Sinner”. This might be helpful for you to get in the right mindset when creating your remix and build on the emotions expressed in this original song.

  • About ANNI

    From a small village in Surrey, England, ANNI has been pursuing her dream from a young age starting with guitar and drum lessons all under the age of 8. She studied at the Academy of Contemporary Music and Berklee College of Music.

    You may have heard her guitar playing on Justin Biebers track “There She Go”. She has played on stage with Nile Rodgers and since posting her impressive live looping videos from her Hackney Attic Studio there has been a high demand for ANNI’s original music.

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