ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2021 [Halloween Edition]

This competition has ended. Click here to see the winners.


Welcome to the Horror Factory! ADAM Audio is thrilled to announce the opening of its “Halloween Edition” Soundtrack Competition 2021, where participants are invited to create their own spooky Halloween themed soundtrack.

A few days ago, we found an unknown mobile phone in our production hall with the most haunting video clip on it. We had no idea what’s going in our factory at night, please see for yourselves:

Unfortunately, there is no sound and this is where you come in. Whatever happened to this poor soul … this video needs a soundtrack!

The most creative, musically inventive and terrifying soundtracks will be in with a chance to win some extra special prizes. The competition winner will be awarded with our new Recording bundle, consisting of 2 x ADAM Audio T5V studio monitors, a Focusrite 2i2 interface, a Novation Launchkey Mini Mk3, headphones, cables and a microphone.


Runner ups will walk away with a pair of ADAM Audio T7V studio monitors for second place, and ADAM Audio SP-5 headphones for third place.

The team at ADAM Audio is looking forward to listening to the entries for this 7th edition of the soundtrack competition. Good luck and Happy Halloween!

To enter the ADAM Audio Halloween Soundtrack Competition:

  • Compose a short soundtrack/background track for the video clip mentioned above.
  • You can use any audio you want, e.g. from sample libraries, as long as no copyrights are violated.
  • Upload your finished soundtrack to your Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube account.
  • Complete the form below to finally enter the competition. Important: Your entry is only officially valid by completing and sending this form. Please read the conditions of participation and the declaration regarding the protection of your data here.


What else do you need to know?

  • The soundtracks will be mainly judged by its creativity, musicality – and how much we are frightened to death.
  • Optional: If you want to, you can download the video file here to use it for your project.
  • Each soundtrack may only be a maximum of 40 seconds long and each participant may only enter the competition once


The Competition Period

The competition starts on October 28th 2021 and ends on November 11th 2021. The winners will be announced on November 18th 2021 on this landing page.


The Winners

This competition has ended. Click here to see the winners.

Additional Information

  • ADAM Audio Recording Bundle [Webshop]

    Click here to check out the Recording Bundle in our official web shop.

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