Información legal y privacidad

Important note to all links on the homepage of ADAM Audio (Disclaimer):
Despite careful control, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The owner of the respective linked-to page is solely liable for illegal, faulty, or incomplete contents.

This privacy policy is intended to inform the user about how and to what extent the provider collects, stores, processes and uses personal data of the users and to what extent third parties can access the personal data of a user and / or the provider data to third parties passes.

Certain definitions

The provider uses in this privacy statement certain fixed terms that the user should know:

  • “Provider” is the ADAM Audio GmbH with its seat in Berlin (further information over the offerer can be found in the imprint.
  • “Personal data” are all individual details about the personal or material circumstances of the user.
  • “User” means any person who accesses or accesses the Services or Offers offered by the Provider on the ADAM Audio Sites.
  • “Registered User” means any natural person, legal entity, group of persons, association of persons, corporation, foundation or other legal entity that participates in a program offered by ADAM Audio GmbH (eg “Student Cashback Program” or Subscription to the Newsletter) and therefore a completed and sent out on the website or otherwise provided registration form.

The personal data that must be entered by the user when registering in the context of a program offered by ADAM Audio GmbH (for example “Student Cashback Program”) (mandatory fields) are referred to as “mandatory information”.

Provider collects, stores, processes and uses personal data

The provider collects, stores, processes and uses the personal data of the Registered Users and other users in compliance with the statutory provisions of the Federal Republic of Germany, which result in particular from the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Telemedia Act (TMG) and the Telecommunications Act (TKG), as well as in compliance with the provisions of the European Union on data protection.

Declaration of consent and right of withdrawal of the user

The user declares by submitting his registration to be in agreement with the collection, processing and use of his personal data in the scope defined by this Privacy Policy. The user can revoke his consent at any time in writing or by e-mail to the provider [] with effect for the future.

Collection of Personal Data by Provider upon Registration for the Student Cashback Program

As part of the registration, the provider of users collects the following personal data: personal password, e-mail address, first and last name, address, date of birth, place of study, study subject and prospective degree, telephone number, attended university, matriculation number, bank details including account details, purchased ADAM models incl. serial numbers, dealer name where the products were purchased including date of purchase, all information on the student card, all information on the invoices that can be assigned to the products. This information is mandatory for registering as a Registered User under the Student Cashback Program. Additionally, Registered Users may voluntarily add to their input some personal information such as gender, descent, occupation, messenger information (ICQ, Skype, etc.), personal site URL, self-description, favorite music.

Use of email address of Registered Users

As part of the registration, users have to provide their e-mail address. On the one hand, the provider uses these to inform registered users about ADAM Audio at regular intervals through a newsletter. This newsletter can be optionally ordered by Registered Users and then unsubscribed at any time. The newsletter will not be sent to users who have not explicitly ordered the newsletter.

On the other hand, the e-mail address is for contacting the Registered User in connection with the offer requested by the user (e.g., participation in the Student Cashback Program), as far as the provider requires further information from the Registered User. This is the case, for example, if the registered user has made multiple orders.

Use of Personal Data for the operation of ADAM Audio

The provider uses personal data to enable the Registered Users and other users to use the services offered on the websites.

Use of personal data for the protection of law and order

The provider also uses personal information to ensure compliance with legal and contractual obligations when participating in programs offered by ADAM Audio, respecting rights of users and third parties, and violations of law or unlawful interference with user or third party rights reasonable extent. An obligation of the provider for the monitoring of contents is not justified thereby.

Use of personal data for advertising and information purposes

In addition, the provider uses personal data to bring to the attention of registered users and other users advertising measures, instructions or other information of the provider, in which the provider based on the personal data of the registered user assumes that the registered user of the advertised product increased interest (so-called “targeting”). There is no transfer of individual personal data to third parties. At times we receive data from third-party organisations when they have received your consent for this.

Disclosure of personal data due to statutory regulation, administrative act or claims of third parties

The provider is also entitled to pass on the personal data collected by the user in the context of the registration to authorities, courts or other public-law institutions, if and insofar as the provider has been obliged to do so due to legal regulations or administrative acts. The provider is not obliged to question the ordering of the submission or transfer of personal data of the user by courts, authorities or other public institutions or to take legal action against such an order. The provider is rather entitled to comply with a judicial, official or other public law order on presentation or disclosure of personal data of the user without further notice. The provider is also entitled to pass on personal data of the user to third parties, if and insofar as third parties have a claim to the disclosure of this data against the provider.

Use of cookies

The ADAM Audio Website uses cookies on users’ access which contain certain personal data of users, such as user name and user-viewed products of the provider.

Request for information regarding personal data

The provider grants the users a claim to information with regard to their personal data in the legal scope. Users who wish to assert this right to information can always turn to the provider [] with confidence.


ADAM Audio´s website uses plug-ins of the social network Facebook ( ). The plug-ins are marked with a company logo of Facebook or the addition “Facebook Social Plug-in. When you access a website from us, which contains such a plug-in, a direct connection to servers through the browser of Facebook is set up. By integrating of the plug-in, Facebook receives the information that you have visited our website. As long as you are logged in to Facebook, Facebook can assign the visit to the site to your Facebook account. The plug-in transmits any actions you perform via the plug-in, e.g. pressing the “Like”-Button, directly on to Facebook, and these data will be stored there. For the purpose and scope of data collection and further processing and use of data by Facebook, and your rights and settings taken to protect your privacy, please see the respective privacy notices from Facebook. To prevent such a collection of data through Facebook, you must log out on Facebook before visiting our website.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. In case of activation of the IP anonymization, Google will truncate/anonymize the last octet of the IP address for Member States of the European Union as well as for other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address is sent to and shortened by Google servers in the USA. On behalf of the website provider Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website provider. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. Furthermore you can prevent Google’s collection and use of data (cookies and IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under

You can refuse the use of Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie will be set on the computer, which prevents the future collection of your data when visiting this website: Disable Google Analytics

Further information concerning the terms and conditions of use and data privacy can be found at or at Please note that on this website, Google Analytics code is supplemented by “anonymizeIp” to ensure an anonymized collection of IP addresses (so called IP-masking).

Questions and other information

As far as registered users or other users have questions about data protection by the provider, they can always contact the provider at the following e-mail address: []